I have been fascinated by the impact of stress on people in the workplace for the past 10yrs. During this time I have looked at many different theories, attended lots of different training courses and seen even more people go off work due to stress related sickness absence. We all know that stress is the biggest reasons for sickness absence in the UK and yet we still see our staff suffering with have no fix-all solution to the problem.
My personal approach to stress comes from the techniques of coaching and personal development – how can we expect to improve our approach to managing stress if we don’t understand the experience ourselves? During the period January – July 2014, 16 people took part in a structured research trial to assess the Coaching for Wellbeing Model© as an effective route for improving wellbeing. The programme involved one training day, two coaching sessions and weekly online coaching modules according to the 5 Core Areas of Coaching for Wellbeing according to the model:
• Values
• Beliefs
• Emotional Intelligence
• Goals/Life Purpose
• Emotional Wellbeing
The participants completed a survey which measured their wellbeing according to the National Accounts of Wellbeing measures. The results demonstrated the overall change in wellbeing scores for the participants at the beginning and end of the programme. 100% of participants’ wellbeing improved during the course of the programme, there was a 27% average improvement per participant, with individual improvement up to 82%. In particular, they show that the biggest improvements came from those that scored well below the EU average at the start of programme
NOW IT IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Our next Coaching for Wellbeing 6-month programme starts on 21 November at Homedale Health in Exeter (including two training days, three coaching sessions, on-line support and a 10 module DVD) and thanks to the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, we have TWO FREE TICKETS to give away (1 was awarded to Jane Downer who started her course in September, and we have 1 for a 21 November start). All you have to do is email me with 1/2 page on why you deserve a free space. If you would like to learn more please call Aleigh on 07791562347