Would you like to learn how to succeed brilliantly?

On the 18 July Coaching for Wellbeing is partnering with Julie Talbot-Dunn from Coaching to progress to run our first joint venture!  We will be sharing with you the secrets of how to succeed brilliantly at what you want – so, whether you want to focus on your life goals, career goals, or don’t know what your goals are (but would like some) this workshop is for you if:

  • You wonder what is the key to achieving your goal
  • You want to know why some people have great successes and others consistently fail?
  • You want to Be part of a day where we focus on your goals, create, play and achieve your success?how to succeed brilliantly at what you want - flyer copy

We will be discover the three keys to achieving personal and professional success including:

  • Discovering what is most important for you to be happy and fulfilled in your life;
  • Realising, Clarifying and Developing your Goals;
  • Creating an effective Vision Board to make your dreams become reality.  

The day promising to be full of inspiration, exciting and possibility, plus lots of colouring, playing, cutting out and sticking!

To book your place at the promotional rate of just £47, go to our booking page

We look forward to seeing you on 18 July.

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