Are you a senior member of an organisation or running your own business?
Resilience and Self-Care are important no matter what level you operate at within a business, but when you are making key decisions that impact the wellbeing of the people you serve, looking after yourself becomes crucial. I have worked with many senior leaders who often put the wellbeing of others before themselves and this means that the business is at risk – what happens when you go off sick?
My goal is to help you thrive and flourish so your businesses can do the same and through your wellbeing, you create a positive impact on the people who work with you. We will consider:
- What do you need to do to keep you well?
- What is the impact if you aren’t well?
- How can you build and improve the wellbeing of your (work) community?
This time is for you, I therefore make the coaching sessions flexible and tailored. For instance, there is a set fee for the coaching session but it lasts between 1-3hrs depending on your preferred style, commitment and energy. For some people, we can fly through everything in just an hour and this fits well with your work commitments and available time, for others, they want to focus on processing what is important to them, learn and implement new strategies and understand what steps to take forward, in this instance a 2-3hr session works very positively.
As part of a coaching package you get:
- 6 coaching sessions (1-3hrs by arrangement)
- Wellbeing implementation consultation & plan: what are your wellbeing priorities, current and future activities and how can you meet any gaps
- Wellbeing presentation/training session – depending on your current requirements, this can either be used to provide an update to inform your senior leadership team, or wellbeing skills to your staff.
An initial coaching session is provided as complimentary, further coaching sessions only can be booked for £250.
If you decide that the Executive Coaching Package is right for you, this is available for £1997 (saving £500 if purchased separately).