Wellbeing for Business Success
Would you like to create sustainable wellbeing within your Organisation? Coaching for Wellbeing has an opportunity for you to improve wellbeing within your Organisation whilst being part of cutting edge research.
Work-related stress accounts for 35% of work-related ill health and 43% of days lost in 2014/15, by far, the main factor cited as causing this absence is workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and a lack of managerial support. (HSE 2015).
This presents a significant opportunity for businesses not only in reducing costs related to sickness absence, but also to improving the health of the working population.
According to the CIPD Absence Management Survey 2015, 56% of Organisations are reported to be taking steps to identify and reduce stress in the workplace, and those that achieved their latest absence target appear to be more proactive on wellbeing and are more likely to offer a range of benefits.
So, what can we do to reduce stress and improve wellbeing?
Coaching for Wellbeing are offering a subsidised 6 month programme to highlight the impact of stress on productivity and profits, and to inform, engage and empower Organisations to make appropriate changes, leading to increased staff engagement and Organisational success through Employee Wellbeing and Resilience.
For the Organisation
- Increase staff morale, productivity and engagement by recognising and supporting Wellbeing at Work;
- Improve Business by demonstrating an effective wellbeing strategy to members and staff;
- Increase understanding of wellbeing so that effective solutions can be integrated into the Organisation;
- Improve customer engagement by demonstrating the link between customer service and wellbeing;
- Reduce staff sickness absence rates and presenteeism;
For Staff
- Understand stress, and the impact on individuals and the organisation;
- Take appropriate action to manage stress;
- Understand your role in promoting a culture of wellbeing;
- Feel empowered to take action to improve Organisational wellbeing;
- Know how to feel good and function well at work;
- Improve the skills of managers to manage mental health and wellbeing at work;
- Create alignment between Organisation objectives, vision and staff engagement.
- 100% success rate.
I am very happy to recommend Aleigh’s programme to you. She is a highly professional, skilled coach who is conducting research which will be of real benefit to the understanding and practice of coaching and wellbeing thereby improving the quality of working lives.
Beryl Badger
Retired from Plymouth University but still active in HR.
Find out More:
Aleigh Sydenham, Wellbeing Coach
07791 562347
Facebook: www.facebook.com/coaching4wellbeing
Twitter: coach2wellbeing